Aja Thom Ft Yeay Klar Collection | ខេអេចម៉ិច | KH-Mix -->
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Aja Thom Ft Yeay Klar Collection

Aja Thom Ft Yeay Klar Collection
Aja Thom Ft Yeay Klar Collection 
01-Super Like (Ajathom Ft Aja Toch Ft Yeay Kla) || DOWNLOAD
02-Mork Thnoth Khmer (Yeay Kla Ft Ajathom) || DOWNLOAD
03-Vil Vinh Oun Som Lanh (Yeay Kla) || DOWNLOAD
04-Som Pnhet Som Neang  || DOWNLOAD
05-Chom Pey Saim Reap (Yeay Kla Ft Ajathom) || DOWNLOAD
06-Oum Tuk Vil Vinh (Yeay Kla Ft Ajathom) || DOWNLOAD
07-Os Or Kas Teb Bong Jes Smos (Karona) || DOWNLOAD
08-Louch Merl (Ajathom Ft Voch Beatz and MC Beaver) || DOWNLOAD
09-A Kon Chong Rey (Kondol Ft Ajathom) || DOWNLOAD
10-Rom Kne Leang Game Ice Bucket  (Yeay Kla Ft Ajathom) || DOWNLOAD
11-Louch Merl Remix (Ajathom Ft Voch Beatz and MC Beaver) || DOWNLOAD
12-Theok Phnek Kon Tung Ten (Yeay Kla) || DOWNLOAD